For either our clients or candidates, finding the right hiring authority or potential employee takes molding specific criteria. The size of our continuously growing and detailed database ensures that we can locate exactly the people who could be needed, in the precise niche that is desired. Where our database may fall short, we can rapidly target a region and skillset to meet your needs.
We then next initiate a dual sequence of automated and manual outreach, ensuring that no rock is left unturned. This involves follow ups, receiving/distributing resumes, and assisting in arranging interviews, negotiations, and in kicking off the onboarding processes.
After the prior two steps are complete, or even sometimes in the process of executing, we evaluate our methodology in how we executed, finding what worked, what didn’t and what we should change. We have painstakingly worked to craft messages specialized to specific industry audiences to increase our positive response, and are constantly improving on it.